Friday 22 November 2019

Adaptations Book to Film: Example Five - Game of Thrones: Deviating from the books

Deviating from the books. I am only going to talk about FOUR from each book - OR - we'll be here for hours.

Season 1:

  • Changes in ages - This is to do with making it easier to cast and more acceptable with certain more adult content with some of the characters (E.G. Sansa's rape)
Image result for game of thrones age
  • Snow - In the books, Winterfell is covered in snow and the dire wolf pups are found waist-deep in snow.
Image result for game of thrones snow
  • Tyrion's description - Books: Stunted legs, a swollen forehead, squashed face, eyes different colours, waddle-walks.
Image result for game of thrones tyrion book
  • The Hand's saying - The book version: "The King eats, the Hand takes the shit", TV Version: "The King Shits, and the Hand wipes".
Image result for game of thrones robert baratheon and eddard stark

Season 2:

  • Yara Greyjoy - Yara is named Asha in the books. The change in the series is to make sure there is no confusion with Osha, the Wilding.
Image result for game of thrones yara
  • Arya and Tywin - Arya is never Tywin's cupbearer. However, it does make good TV seeing Maisie Williams and Charles Dance together on screen.
Image result for game of thrones arya and tywin
  • Jorah's feelings - Daenerys doesn't learn of Ser Jorah's feelings for her in the second book.
Image result for game of thrones jorah and daenerys
  • The character of Talisa - Talisa is not a character in the books. Robb marries Jeyne Westerling.

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Season 3:

  • Tormund - In the books, Tormund isn't sent by Mance to go over the wall and He is also not leading the party. 
Image result for game of thrones tormund series 3
  • Gilly's baby - In the books, Gilly doesn't name her baby because it is customary to name a baby after they're two years old. In the series, she calls her baby Sam after Samwell Tarly.
Image result for game of thrones gilly and baby
  • Brynden Tully - In the books, Brynden Tully wasn't present at the red wedding. In the series, he attends and fortunately for him is not in the great hall during the massacre.
Image result for game of thrones brynden tully
  • Jon and Ygritte - In the books, Jon never tells Ygritte that he loves her. He does it in his head.
Image result for game of thrones jon and ygritte

Season 4: 

  • Attraction - In the books, Grey Worm isn't attracted to Missandei. She is 10 in the books. In the tv series, she is a lot older and their relationship becomes intimate.
Image result for game of thrones grey worm and missandei
  • Training Jamie - Bronn never trains Jamie in the books, Ser Ilyn does because he can't speak or write.
Image result for game of thrones jaime and bronn
  • Podrick - In the books, no one tries to bribe Podrick Payne into testifying against Tyrion.
Image result for game of thrones podrick
  • Ramsey Bolton - In the books, he was legitimised a lot earlier. 
Image result for game of thrones ramsay

Season 5: 

  • Bronn - Bronn never goes to Dorne with Jamie in the books.
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  • Tommen and Margaery -  In the books, they do not consummate their marriage as Tommen is 10 years old. In the series, they do.
Image result for game of thrones tommen and margaery
  • Lady Olenna - Olenna has never met the High Sparrow.
Image result for game of thrones lady olenna high sparrow
  • Davos and Stannis - Davos did not march with Stannis, he was sent to White Harbour to negotiate with Lord Manderly.
Image result for game of thrones davos

Season 6, 7 and 8

There are only five books - some details from the books were carried over from some of the books.

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