Wednesday 16 October 2019

Academic Sources: ONE = Poetics (Aristotle)

After the Lecture on Drama, I decided to re-read Aristotle's Poetics.

I have decided to have a look through and find some appropriate quotes which I could possibly use in my critical reflection.

Chapter 6 Quotes:

"Without action, a tragedy could not come to be" (Page 28)

"The story, then, is the source and is like the soul of the tragedy, and states of character rank second" (Page 28)

Chapter 13 Quote:

"The most beautiful tragedy that results from the art, then, comes from this sort of organization of the story" (Page 38)

Chapter 15 Quote:

"Tragedies is an imitation of people better than we are" (Page 42)

Chapter 18 Quote:

"There is in every tragedy a build-up and a resolution" (Page 46)

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