Tuesday 1 October 2019

Introduction to Assignment

Module: 5CTA 1106-0906-2019 - Film and Television Production: Pre-Production and Production

Assignment: Critical Reflection 1

Lecturer: Tim Leandro

Grade Weight: 20%

Brief: Individual Assignment. The critical reflection is a 1,000-word essay detailing the student's individual learning journey throughout the 1st Semester of Level 5. Building on and developed from the student's weekly blog, the essay will demonstrate the student's intellectual engagement with the module content, contextualise the student's work within industry paradigms and situate their work within the norms of accepted professional practice.

The Blog: You should be keeping a weekly record of your experiences, observations, learning, trials, challenges, viewings, readings and anything else which you consider relevant to your development during this course. This material will constitute the source material for your Critical Reflections.

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