Tuesday 22 October 2019

Adaptations Book to Film: Example One - HP: Ginny's character in the films V.S. the books

Harry Potter

Now, I know what you're thinking. One post on just one character from seven books and adapted into eight films. Yes, this is really happening.

I have read all seven books and have watched all eight films enough times to be a major fan-girl of the series.

The reason I am concentrating on just the character of Ginny is because of the way she was adapted from the books. The supporting character of Ginevra Molly Weasley known as Ginny deserves to be concentrated on.

Bonnie Wright who portrayed her in all eight films, did her best job with what she had.
Image result for ginny weasley film
Top: Films 1-4, Bottom: Films 5-8

The character of GINNY:

Image result for ginny weasley book       Image result for ginny weasley film
Left: Fan Art of Ginny from the books, Right: Bonnie Wright from Films (I believe it's from Order of the Phoenix)

As someone who read the books before watching the films, what upset me most about the films was GINNY! In the books, Ginny Weasley, the younger sister of Harry's best friend, Ron and Harry's love interest, was such an interesting character and so Sassy! However, in the film, the character of Ginny was so boring and had no substance. The fact that she was basically silent throughout the films, annoyed me throughout.

Where was the character development in the film?



Image result for ginny weasley quidditch Fan Art of Ginny playing Quidditch

Related image
Taken from the film (Half-Blood Prince)

Ginny after the Second Wizarding War becomes a professional Quidditch player. However, throughout the films, she is barely seen doing anything to do with the sport apart from for about two minutes, if that, in Half-Blood Prince (2009). Taking out this essential part of Ginny's character development in the films. More was mentioned in the film with her brother, Ron, about quidditch.

Harry and Ginny's relationship in the film

  • How did Harry and Ginny get together?
  • There was more life to Harry and Cho's kiss in Order of the Phoenix (2007) than any of Harry and Ginny's kisses. 
  • The breakup after Dumbledor's funeral wasn't included, why?
  • Not really any reaction when Voldemort said Harry was dead. 
  • Harry looks for Ginny on the marauder's map, however, this wasn't included in the film. Why?
  • The epilogue, Ginny had no lines... Taking her usual place as the silent mute character in these films.
  • Just WHY? WHY? WHY? Her relationship with Harry might have not been in the films, we wouldn't have noticed any difference.

Image result for ginny weasley and harry
Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Image result for ginny weasley and harry
Deathly Hallows, Pt. 1 (2010)

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